2025 South Gate Season Opener Sign Up This year, we have changed the guest fee to be only $5. However, you will only be able to sign up as a guest 1 time. If you want to play multiple tournaments you must pay an additional $15 dollars ($20 total) to become a member. Player InformationEnter the players to be paid for with this submissionPlayer 1 *Enter the name of the member sponsoring entryEmail Address *Please enter email (important for receipt)Member or Guest *MemberGuestP1 Skins ($5) *YesNoP1 Long Drive ($1) *YesNoP1 Best Ball ($10) *YesNoAdditional Player InformationAdd additional players (up to 3) paid for with this entryPlayer 2Name of additional player PAID FOR with submissionP2 Member or Guest *MemberGuestP2 Skins ($5) *YesNoP2 Long Drive ($1) *YesNoP2 Best Ball ($10) *YesNoPlayer 3Name of additional player paid for with submissionP3 Member or Guest *MemberGuestP3 Skins ($5) *YesNoP3 Long Drive ($1) *YesNoP3 Best Ball ($10) *YesNoPlayer 4Name of additional player paid for with submissionP4 Member or Guest *MemberGuestP4 Skins ($5) *YesNoP4 Long Drive ($1) *YesNoP4 Best Ball ($10) *YesNoTotal Player FeesPlayer Fees with this Entry$2 Person Best Ball PairingsEnter the partners for 2 person bestballTeam 1 - Player NameTeam 1 - Player NameTeam 2 - Player NameTeam 2 - Player NameNotes/InfoAdditional InfoPlease add any additional info and commentsPayment MethodChose how to payPayment Method *Send a CheckPay at Mountain America or ZellePay Online Right Now (Fee Assoicated)Please select a payment methodTotal Fees Paid with Entry$Credit / Debit Card *Enter Card Info. 3.5% fee charged to cover CC Processing Fees.Mountain America InformationMountain America: TELCO Account# 2283637 Share ID:50 (In the comments, put your name/membership)Mail CheckMailing Check: Pay to : TELCO Association Mail to: Telco Association ATTN Sandi Adams 5263 Persille Dr Taylorsville UT 84129. Please add the reference ID sent in your emailed receipt to the memo lineSubmit Entry